Monday, April 29, 2013

Kim Kardashian Wears Tight Red Dress, Family Goes Horseback Riding in Greece

Kim Kardashian is adding another occupation to her resume: Photographer! Sightseeing via yacht near Mykonos, Greece over the weekend, the pregnant reality star, 32, grabbed a camera to capture the awe-inspiring views. As usual, Kanye West's love did not blend into the scenery -- embracing her pregnancy curves in a tight, sleeveless red dress, matching red lipstick, with her hair in a ponytail. In one photo, the budding shutterbug stood alongside sister Kourtney Kardashian, 34, who opted for a more casual boating outfit in tight white pants and denim shirt, with her hair covered up with a bejeweled headpiece.

Kim Kardashian shows off her pregnancy bump in a tight red dress on board a yacht with sister Kourtney Kardashian in Greece during their family vacation on April 28, 2013.
Credit: DFWM/Brian Prahl/Splash News

The famous sisters arrived in Greece on Thursday with most of their family: Sister Khloe Kardashian, half-siblings Brody, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, parents Bruce and Kris Jenner, Kourtney's love Scott Disick and their kids Mason and Penelope. (The first shot of Kim hanging out on dry land featured a glimpse of her bare baby bump.)

The first-time mom-to-be likely begged out of another Sunday activity: Horseback riding. The rest of the brood, however, were snapped taking in more sights astride horses in the bright sunshine. The brood have been sharing thoughts and photos from the trip via Twitter and Instagram. "Enjoying Greece," Kim tweeted, adding that the views, R&R and family bonding time is "heavenly."

The Kardashians are spotted horseback riding while on vacation in Greece on April 28, 2013.

The exotic sojourn is being filmed for upcoming episodes of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Rapper West, 35, isn't on hand for the getaway.

Angus T. Jones Won't Be Regular on Two and a Half Men, Wants to Focus on Music Instead

When CBS's hit sitcom Two and a Half Men returns this fall, the show will be half a man down. CBS announced Friday, Apr. 26, that though the show -- and actors Jon Cryer and Ashton Kutcher -- will be returning for an 11th season, child star Angus T. Jones will not be signing on as a regular cast member.

Jones, 19, could reportedly return to the series periodically as a recurring character, however, reports. Both Kutcher and Cryer have signed on for one-year contracts for the series.

Angus T. Jones will not be returning to Two and a Half Men as a regular cast member this fall.
Credit: Courtesy CBS /Landov

A source tells Us that one of the reasons Jones will not be returning is because his interests now lie elsewhere: Music.

"They tried really hard to keep him, but he was just done done," the source said, adding that the young actor is interested in "Skrillex style" tracks specifically.

Jones made headlines in November 2012 when he released a YouTube video slamming Men and calling the show "filth," asking viewers to "please stop watching." Shortly after the video went viral on the Internet, Jones came forward to apologize for his harsh words, offering a mea culpa to the cast and crew.

The actor apologized for "showing indifference and disrespect of my colleagues and a lack of appreciation of the extraordinary opportunity of which I have been blessed."

In January 2013, CBS entertainment chief Nina Tassler told reporters that she accepted the apology and was looking forward to having Jones back on the show. "The kid is 19 years old. I've got a 24-year-old," she said. "Between the ages of 19 and 24, there's been plenty of things my kid has said that I wish he hadn't. The bottom line is that cooler heads prevailed."

Cheerleader Kelsey Williams Criticized By Female Sports Blogger for Being "Too Chunky": Report

Words will never hurt Kelsey Williams. The NBA Oklahoma City Thunder cheerleader was recently criticized for her weight by CBS Houston blogger Claire Crawford, but she's trying to focus on the positives.

Oklahoma City Thunder cheerleader Kelsey Williams has been criticized for her weight.
Credit: Christian Petersen/Getty Images

According to the Daily Mail, Crawford came under fire on Wednesday, Apr. 24 after she reportedly asked readers if Williams was "too chunky" to cheer. "[Williams] has been criticized by some folks in [Oklahoma] for having 'pudginess' around her waistline," she allegedly wrote. "Is this chick 'too chunky' to be a cheerleader?"

"But if she's comfortable wearing that tiny outfit and dancing for NBA fans, then good for her," Crawford said. "Besides . . . not every man likes women to be toothpick skinny. I'd say most men prefer a little extra meat on her bones."

Commenters quickly criticized the blogger's post, calling it "offensive" and "disgusting." Many also argued that the image used in the story was simply an unflattering photo. The initial story was quickly removed from CBS Houston's website, but a cached version is still online.

Williams, however, isn't letting the remarks get her down. On Twitter Apr. 24, she wrote, "'To be womanly always, discouraged never.'" She then added, "We wouldn't know what blessings were if we didn't go through trials. Thank you to EVERYONE for the compassion and love today. I'm in awe."

Miley Cyrus: It "Seems Right" to Wear Engagement Ring, Be Committed to Liam Hemsworthv

Miley Cyrus is more traditional than her fans may think. In the June issue of ELLE UK, the 20-year-old singer opens up about why getting engaged to Liam Hemsworth nearly one year ago felt like a natural progression in their relationship.

"We have a house together and dogs. It just seems right to be wearing this ring and to be committed," she says. "But we keep our relationship low-key and don't talk about it any more." (With current reports saying Cyrus has hit a rough patch in her relationship with the Hunger Games actor, 23, the couple of four years has put their wedding a hold, it's unclear when the singer's interview occurred.)

Miley Cyrus is interviewed in the new Elle U.K.
Credit: Elle UK

The former Hannah Montana star says she's making a conscious effort to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible. "We were too nice to the world and gave them too much insight -- into my life and my puppies and my house –- and I just don't feel they get that privilege any more," Cyrus explains. "Like on my Twitter, I'm much more . . . not conservative, but you don't see a picture of my dogs. You don't get that personal stuff any more."

The "Can't Be Tamed" singer has the same conservative notion when it comes to her career. "A star is someone who doesn't have to take her clothes off to be sexy because you naturally have star power. Sex does sell, but you have to find a way that's not just showing your tits," she says. "I don't want to be a glorified model. They just walk on stage and it's all about their clothes -- or lack of clothes."

Cyrus also works hard at staying grounded while living in Los Angeles, which she knows is "not reality."

"This isn't like any other place," she acknowledges. "Everything is meant to be attractive, from the people on the sidewalks to the gold fire hydrants in Beverly Hills."

"I feel like Rapunzel," Cyrus says of the fame. "Rapunzel with a mohawk!"

Cyrus' full interview with ELLE UK hits newsstands on May 1.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ninja Turtles IRL



This is you after eating popcorn

Another reason I love Canada...

Behold the face of satisfaction. It rides a three-wheeled recliner.

How? Can you explain this?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Awesome has found its match


Gimme Five

I'd Eat All My Food If My Mom Did This

Monday, April 22, 2013

Epic Moustache

To give birth to a new life is the most amazing feeling in the universe. What do you say?

Cat Mountain in Ukraine.

So my sister was complaining there's no toothpaste left, she has no common sense I swear.

Bird poop protection gear

I would so wear that

Hateful Cat Is Hateful

How to keep your cats occupied

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why Cats Hate Kids

you has betraid my tiny trust

Albert Einstein says:imagination is more important than knowledge

Don`t Grow Up It`s A Trap

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I Said No Pictures!

A terrible mistake

Friday, April 19, 2013

ILONA STALLER- La "Chicholina"

llona Staller, más conocida como Cicciolina o simplemente "La Chicholina", es una actriz pornográfica, cantante y política húngara, aunque ha desarrollado su carrera y su fama principalmente en Italia. Es una de las actrices porno más famosas de la historia, sobre todo por sus apariciones en la escena pública y por llegar a ser parlamentaria por el Partido Radical italiano. Nació el 26 de noviembre de 1951 en Budapest (Hungría).

Empezó a trabajar en 1964 en una agencia de modelos húngara. Tras casarse con un italiano, adquiere dicha nacionalidad y traslada su residencia a Italia, donde desarrollaría el resto de su carrera. En 1973 comienza a trabajar con Riccardo Schicchi, conocido productor de películas pornográficas, saltando a la fama en un programa de "Radio Luna", llamado moi de avec de coucher de vous de Voulez? para el que adoptó el nombre artístico de La Cicciolina.

La fama de Ilona comenzó a crecer debido a su trabajo como actriz en películas pornográficas desde sus comienzos a principios de los años 70, destacándose por su osadía en el mundo del cine porno. Son una constante en sus películas las escenas de sexo en grupo, con múltiples participantes masculinos y femeninos, donde abundan las escenas de sexo anal, dobles penetraciones y lluvia dorada. Algunos de sus filmes más “reconocidos” son: Incontro d'amore (1970), L'Ingenua, (1975), Bestialità (1976), Cicciolina amore mio (1979), Cicciolina Number One (1986), Cicciolina (1989), Cicciolina e Moana ai mondiali (1990) y Carcere amori bestiali (1994).
-->  Sin embargo, la Cicciolina alcanzaría el rerconocimiento mundial con sus intervenciones públicas, como cuando en 1978, en la exposición del canal de televisión italiana RAI, "Volte debido", enseñó sus exuberantes senos en vivo y en directo, siendo la primera vez que se emitía algo así en la televisión italiana. Otro hito fue en 1985, cuando realiza el primer desnudo completo en la televisión estatal española, TVE en la gala de fin de año ¡Viva 86!, también en vivo y en directo.
Lo que haría a la Cicciolina definitivamente una celebridad fue su carrera política. Ésta comenzó en 1979 cuando fue cabeza de lista del primer partido ecologista italiano, llamado Lista del Sole. En 1985 formó parte de las candidaturas del Partido Radical Italiano, basando su campaña contra la energía nuclear, la OTAN y el hambre en el mundo. Se declaraba pacifista, contraria a la pena de muerte y al uso de las pieles animales o a su utilización experimental, partidaria de una gran libertad sexual y educación precoz, en las escuelas, del sexo, despenalización de las drogas. En 1987 fue elegida parlamentaria, como representante del distrito Lazio de Roma. En su campaña  incluyó striptease, el uso de serpientes vivas como accesorios y su característico acto de mostrar los senos. 

El cabello rubio, los labios rojos y las cejas delineadas eran la marca personal de la Cicciolina. Aun como miembro del Parlamento Italiano, se negó a cambiar su aspecto característico por uno más conservador. Algunos vieron su exhibicionismo, el personaje promiscuo y la victoria política de la Cicciolina, como una vergüenza nacional. Otros, lejos de escandalizarse, reconocieron que ella estaba usando su sexualidad no solo para ser electa, sino también para burlarse de la hipocresía que veía en el gobierno.

Ella, sin preocuparse de esto, y para que nadie olvidara que la sexualidad fue su camino al poder, actuó en películas porno mientras cumplía su mandato en el parlamento.

Por todos sus intentos de desafiar el statu quo, la Cicciolina no fue reelecta luego de sus cinco años en el cargo. Pero sí agitó las cosas: era alguien de afuera y una mujer (en Italia son muy pocas las mujeres que han tenido acceso a cargos públicos) que se abrió camino dentro de un club de chicos desbaratando su sensación de comodidad y de derecho sobre la política. Su sexualidad, junto con su franqueza, fue una herramienta en su arsenal.

Como ejemplo de su modo de ver las cosas, podemos remontarnos a septiembre de 1990, cuando estaba a punto de comenzar la guerra del Golfo. Por entonces La Cicciolina afirmó "Estoy disponible para hacerle el amor a Saddam Hussein para lograr la paz en Medio Oriente". En abril del 2006 renovaba su ofrecimiento, esta vez a Osama Bin Laden, a quien le dijo: “Estoy dispuesta a hacer un trato. Él puede tenerme a cambio de terminar con su tiranía. Mis pechos sólo ayudaron a la gente, mientras Bin Laden mató a miles de personas inocentes”.


Ilona Staller(Chicholina) se casó por segunda vez con el artista norteamericano Jeff Koons, en 1991. Koons realizó varias pinturas, fotografías y esculturas teniendo a Ilona como tema central y en la obra Hecho en el Cielo (Made In Heaven) ambos aparecieron realizando el acto sexual. Se divorciaron en 1992. Cicciolina abandona Estados Unidos con su hijo recién nacido; lo había tenido poco después de la separación. El pleito por la custodia del pequeño se resolvió a favor de Koons, pero éste no pudo recuperar al niño cuando se quedó Ilona con él en Italia en 1998.

En la parte musical de su carrera de artista, Ilona Sataller ha grabado varias canciones. La temática de éstas está normalmente relacionada con el sexo, teniendo como objetivo transgredir las normas morales también en la música. Son canciones simples, de melodía fácil y alto contenido sexual. El éxito de sus discos en el mercado internacional es muy alto, frecuentemente ocupan los primeros puestos en las ventas.
Su carrera sigue vigente, y aunque ya no haga películas porno (los años no pasan en vano, eh), sigue ingeniándoselas para destacar dentro y fuera de las pantallas. Por ejemplo, en marzo del 2007 publicó su autobiografía, con un enorme número de ventas en todo el mundo. Además asiste regularmente como invitada estelar a exposiciones y festivales relacionados con el cine erótico y pornográfico. Además, distintos sectores ligados al espectáculo le han rendido homenajes, como en nuestro país la banda Los Peores de Chile, quienes le dedicaron su  máximo hit radial titulado “Chicholina”, donde dicen: “El baluarte de tus pechos, sin emblemas ni banderas, los billetes, las monedas, sin escote y con malicia, tú eres mi heroína; Chicholina, yo te quiero, yo te amo, yo te adoro, porque eres cochina”

Así es llona Staller, La Cicciolina, una mujer de armas tomar, llena de impulsos y sexualidad, que supo ganarse un lugar dentro de la galería Pop mundial y que hoy recordamos aquí, en Biografías Pop.
Anna Ilona Staller (born 26 November 1951), widely known by her stage name, La Cicciolina, is a Hungarian-born Italian porn star, politician, and singer. Staller continued to make hardcore pornographic films while a member of parliament. She is famous for delivering political speeches with one breast exposed.
Ilona was born in Budapest, Hungary. Her father, László Staller, left the family when she was just a very young girl so she was raised by her mother, who was a midwife, and her stepfather who was an official in the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It's Not The Dog You Need to Fear

This cat made me do it. I told him I wasn't going to post cat pics today.

Go Ahead Without Me. I...Can't...Go...Any...Further

oh bro do you have a problem?

Invisible Chair

Im glad Im on TV

Babys guardians

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take That! Cats Rule!

No you aren`t mocking me

this dog says:The numbers don't lie


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


He meant to behave

yes you don`t like water

He's A Little Possessive

oh bro you`re so cute even with than gun!!

There is the devil's pool @ victoria falls

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